Feeding & Caring for Children in the Local Community

The Yiza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen feeds, cares for and offers a place of safety to approximately 200 children and 50 adults in the Kuyasa, Khayelitsha community. It has also become a safe place for some of these children to sleep at night.



A little
About us

Yiza Ekhaya was founded by Mickey Winefred Linda (Mama Mickey), in her own home and using her own pension money. She opened her heart and home to the adults and children of Khayelitsha, a poverty stricken community near Cape Town, and offered them a safe, loving and fun environment that they can enjoy on a daily basis.

Yiza Ekhaya offers, not only, a wholesome daily meal but also the possibility for a better future and a positive influence in the lives of the children that Mama Mickey looks after.

Yiza Hemp House

It became evident that Yiza Ekhaya needed a new, safe premises from where it could continue to offer its much needed services to its community.

100% Green

Hemp, a renewable and environmentally friendly plant material was identified as the perfect building material for this project, and was selected to rebuild Yiza and create an environment that reflected the love and hope Mama Mickey brings to her community.

Help Us

Our ability to feed and care for so many children in the community relies on volunteers and donations

Check out our video!

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you!

+27 72 010 4337


Plot B54649 #64
Sidwadwa Street, 
7784, Western Cape

3 + 7 =

GPS Co-ordinates: -34.0552098, 18.7007007